Inserts 101: Recipes for Cloth Diaper Success


Hey everyone! Ariel here this week.

Did you know that you can totally personalize and tailor your cloth diaper insert “recipe” (or combination) to your child’s unique needs?

gif with Tell me more text written on it, If you need some tips and tricks on some highly recommended insert combinations for every type of babe, then this is the blog post you’ve been waiting for. Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog
If you need some tips and tricks on some highly recommended insert combinations for every type of babe, then this is the blog post you’ve been waiting for. 

Grab a drink and settle in, because I’m about to rock your world with the (nearly) endless possibilities!

Gif with Its showtime! text written on it. Grab a drink and settle in, because I’m about to rock your world with the (nearly) endless possibilities! Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog


Have you ever put a fresh diaper on your babe, only to have them pee right through it within an hour? If the answer is yes, you might have a little one who just likes to keep their bladder empty! (And really, can you blame them?!)

I am the master of my own bladder. Have you ever put a fresh diaper on your babe, only to have them pee right through it within an hour? If the answer is yes, you might have a little one who just likes to keep their bladder empty! Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog
For this situation, there are a couple really awesome insert combinations that you can use to help absorb more and avoid leaking between changes.

#1 – Small Charcoal Insert on top of a large Bamboo Insert

Small Charcoal Insert on top of a large Bamboo Insert, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

This combination is taking advantage of the super absorbing power of our Bamboo Inserts, which can hold up to 300ml of liquid, and the stay-dry power of our Charcoal Inserts.

Together, they will provide up to 2-3 hours worth of comfort and absorption for your little one.

No more waking up with soaking wet clothes after nap time! Woohoo!

#2 – Small Charcoal Insert on top of another Small Charcoal or Bamboo Insert and a Large Charcoal or Bamboo Insert

Small Charcoal Insert on top of another Small Charcoal or Bamboo Insert and a Large Charcoal or Bamboo Insert, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog
I know you’re probably sitting over there thinking “lol what the heck did I just read.” Don’t worry, it’s actually more simple than it seems!

This is just taking the first method, and adding even more absorbing power to it.

A combination like this one is for the ultimate heavy wetter, especially if you choose to use both Bamboo Inserts. Talk about your inserts working triple duty!


When I first started cloth diapering, we went 100% full in. That means that from Day 1, we decided to use our cloth overnight. This came with some trial and error to see what worked best for the way that our daughter, Dawson, slept.

ULTIMATE OVERNIGHT SOLUTION, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog
Every once in awhile we need to adjust our overnight combination to keep up with her growth and movement as she sleeps, but I would have LOVED to have had this simple little trick to get us started.

#1 – Overnight Inserts

Overnight Inserts, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

We actually specially design inserts with a waterproof PUL backing that are twice as thick, to help contain everything that comes out of your sweet little babe as they sleep.

These bad boys absorb liquid quickly, and the elastic ruching on the sides help to make sure that no matter what position your child is sleeping in, everything will stay nicely contained within the diaper.

Overnight inserts, Sleepless nights changing multiple diapers are about to be a thing of your past! Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

Sleepless nights changing multiple diapers are about to be a thing of your past!

#2 – Add a Bamboo Booster!

Add a Bamboo Booster, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

Do you find that even though you’re already using the Overnight Inserts, somehow your child still finds a way to completely soak them through?

This is where our incredibly well designed Bamboo Boosters come in handy! These are great for any of those times that you need a little bit of a ‘boost’ in absorbency.

Whether it’s adding to your overnight diapering combination, or on top of the regular Charcoal Inserts to extend the length of time between changes, you’ll find that these handy little inserts are a lifesaver.

gif with text written YOU DA REAL MVP, This is where our incredibly well designed Bamboo Boosters come in handy! These are great for any of those times that you need a little bit of a ‘boost’ in absorbency. Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

Just make sure to put the blue side against your little ones tush to keep them feeling dry!

** Bonus tip: They were specifically designed with postpartum moms in mind. Use them while you’re recovering from childbirth as an eco friendly, reusable postpartum pad.


When whoever came up with the saying that “all babies do is eat, sleep and poop”, really should have added some emphasis on poop.

Poop. Poop. Poop! text written on gif, When whoever came up with the saying that “all babies do is eat, sleep and poop”, really should have added some emphasis on poop. Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

The reality of having a child is that no matter what you do, you spend a good chunk of your day every single day dealing with poop.

You’re a poop master, if you will.

Actually, dealing with poop is a huge reason that a lot of people are turned off by cloth diapering. There’s a big misconception floating around that if you’re cloth diapering, you need to touch poop (how many more times can I say poop) with your bare hands all the time.


It can actually be no different from someone using disposable diapers! And here’s how you do it…

#1 – Flushable Liners

Flushable Liners, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

These guys will absorb liquid extremely quickly, and are not designed to be used alone. However, they are magic when added on top of any type of liner!

Flushable miners, Its not a trick. Its magic, These guys will absorb liquid extremely quickly, and are not designed to be used alone. However, they are magic when added on top of any type of liner! Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

When your little one goes #2, just pick up the entire insert and dispose of it responsibly. (For some areas, that means flushing. For others, putting it into the garbage/compost is the way to go. Make sure you consult with your cities/towns specifications.)

It’s as easy as that.

#2 – Bamboo Stay Dry Liners

Bamboo Stay Dry Liners, Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

These are dual purpose and one of our most popular products! Not only will they add some extra stay-dry power to any diaper, but they also act as a reusable poop liner!

Just pick it up out of the diaper, give it a little dunk in the toilet to remove any waste, and then wash them with the rest of your diapers!

Bamboo stay dry liners, These are dual purpose and one of our most popular products! Not only will they add some extra stay-dry power to any diaper, but they also act as a reusable poop liner! Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

There are so many different ways that you can combine and use your inserts to customize your diapers for your little ones specific needs.

Our INCREDIBLE team member Paige took the time to compile everything that you need to know about our inserts and how to use them into a super simple graph!

Check it out below (or print it and stick it somewhere near your change table) and have a super simple quick reference guide at hand.

super simple quick reference guide at hand by lilHelpers Insert Recipe Blog Post by Blog

Do you have a specific insert combination that works amazingly for your kiddo? Share it down below!



CEO & Product Designer

Mohammed runs Lil Helper with his wife Sophia. A former Aerospace engineer (yes, really!), he left his job to pursue his passion for creating reusable, sustainable products for pee, poop, and periods. Living the dream, right? It is for Mohammed, who has a serious thing for solving customer problems through product designs like reusable cloth diapers and cloth menstrual pads. He likes to think Lil Helper is him if he were to magically turn into a business. Before your imagination runs wild, it’s because he shares the same values—kind capitalism, antifragility, and innovation. Oh, and he likes banana split ice cream.

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